Position Category Company Name Job Requirement Location
សិល្បករឌីជីថល វិស្វករ Y Chhe Group - Degree in graphic design or fine art preferred.
- Fresh graduate as a concept artist or graphic designer.
- Ability to deliver high-quality artwork against tight deadlines.
- Willingness to learn new software programs and tools.
- Be honest, hardworking and fast learning.
- Good command in English.
ជំនួយការអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងអគារ វិស្វករ Y Chhe Group 1. Bachelor Degree in business, management or real estate preferred.
2. Previous experience 3-5 years in hotel service apartments or property
3. Able to work under stressful situations and handle challenges in a
professional manner.
4. Working knowledge of industry standards and regulations.
5. Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
6. Strong organizational and time management skills.
7. Excellent interpersonal and conflict resolution skills.
8. Proficiency in Microsoft Office, basic bookkeeping skills.
9. Cordial and warm interacting and engaging with tenants.
10. Customer centric oriented. Attention to details.
11. Professional attitude and appearance.
12. Planning and organizational ability.
អ្នកសម្របសម្រួលការដេញថ្លៃ វិស្វករ Y Chhe Group 1. Bachelor’s degree engineering, business administration, finance or
construction management.
2. Minimum 3 years of experience in construction project bidding.
3. Confident individual with excellent interpersonal skills in leading a team.
4. Strong Communication with clients, suppliers and other team members.
5. Organize and track information about the project, such as the budget and
6. Knowledge of project management and risk management.
7. Ability to communicate professionally with sub-contractors, customers.
8. Strong analytical, planning and organizing skills.
9. Problem-solving is the ability to identify a problem.
អ្នកគ្រប់គ្រង - MEP វិស្វករ Thaanjaya Properties Ltd Qualifications and Requirements
• Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or related field and a minimum of five (05) years of relevant engineering relating to mechanical and electrical systems
• Technical expertise and understanding of all mechanical and electrical systems that support a Housing Project and how they interrelate with each other
• Experience in embedded MEP conduit works. Experience of MEP works in precast concrete sections would be an advantage
• Experience in infrastructure related MEP works, such as underground drainage, electrical trenches, transformers, etc
• Experience of handling a project from the initial stage
• Ability to manage and execute all the essential duties, good communication skills, organizational ability, and proficiency with computer applications such AutoCAD and MS Office
• Demonstrate personal attributes to manage a team of 15-20 workers
អ្នករចនាខាងក្នុង និងខាងក្រៅ វិស្វករ BRANCH OF FLASK CO., LTD. Korean Company Level & Hiring:
Beginner Technician: 3
Intermediate Technician: 3
Advanced Technician: 3
Year of exp: 1year~5year
Salary: Negotiable
Sex: Female and male
Age: 21~33
អ្នកត្រួតពិនិត្យការដ្ឋាន វិស្វករ NPHC Trading Co., Ltd - Bachelor Degree of interior design or other related field
- Program to use (AutoCAD, Photoshop, word, excel…..)
- 1-2 year up experience
អ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងការដ្ឋាន - MEP វិស្វករ Urbanland Asia Investment Co., Ltd. • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering or related subject.
• Proficient in computer skills including Auto CAD
• Able to analyze financial records and apply data to improved results
• In-depth understanding of construction
• Able to analyze problems and strategize for better solutions
• Communication Skill
• Time management and ability to prioritize
• Good analytical and problem-solving skills
• Able to deal with a variety of people comfortably and pleasantly
• Ability to effectively learn and acquire new knowledge and skills
• Ability to share knowledge and work in a strong team-oriented environment
• Detail-oriented
• Good command in written English
អ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងគម្រោង វិស្វករ Civil & Building Constructors Co., LTD. • Male
• Bachelor Degree/ Graduated from Major Civil Engineer or Engineer
• Good in English (Priority for Chinese speaking)
• Have at least five years’ experience in construction project or project manager
• Good team work, Good Communication
• Strong in Technical software (AutoCAD & MS Office, Outlook and Project)
• Need spend more time with customers at night time and weekend time
• Love to learn new experience and new knowledge
វិស្វករគម្រោង វិស្វករ Civil & Building Constructors Co., LTD. • Male
• Bachelor Degree Civil Engineer
• Good in English or Chinses communicate (Priority for Chinese Speaking)
• Good computer skill (AutoCAD & MS Office, Outlook and Project)
• Need spend more time with customers at night time and weekend time
• Love to learn new experience and new knowledge
វិស្វករអគ្គីសនី និង វិស្វករមេកានិច វិស្វករ ក្រុមហ៊ុន ឈុន វ៉ាន់ឌី CHHUN VANDY CO.,LTD • បញ្ចប់បរិញ្ញាបត្រ ឯកទេស វិស្វករ មេកានិច អគ្គិសនី និងពាក់ព័ន្ធ
• មានអាយុចាប់ពី ២៥ឆ្នាំ ដល់ ៤០ឆ្នាំ
• មានបទពិសោធន៍រយៈពេល ៣ឆ្នាំឡើងទៅ
• ធ្លាប់ទទួលបានការបណ្តុះបណ្តាលទាក់ទងជំនាញបច្ចេកទេស និងមានឯកសារដែលទទួលស្គាល់
• អាចបត់បែនតាមពេលវេលា ម៉ោងធ្វើការរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន ការងារមិនមានដែនកំណត់
• ជាមនុស្សស្មោះត្រង់ មានវិន័យ រួសរាយរាក់ទាក់ ទទួលខុសត្រូវ និងមានឆន្ទៈខ្ពស់ក្នុងការងារ
• ការចេញពីទីតាំងការងារដោយគ្មានការអនុញ្ញាត ពីប្រធានផ្នែកត្រូវបញ្ឈប់ពីការងារ
• ចេះចែករំលែករាល់ព័ត៌មានថ្មីៗ ដែលបានទទួលទៅឱ្យបុគ្គលិកនៅក្នុងផ្នែកទាំងអស់បានដឹង។
• មានភាពរួសរាយរាក់ទាក់ និងទំនាក់ទំនងល្អ
• ការប្រើប្រាស់ឧបករណ៍ តាមបទដ្ឋានបច្ចេកទេស
• គុណភាពការជួសជុលម៉ាស៊ីនភ្លើង និងប្រព័ន្ធភ្លើង
• គុណភាពការងារ
• ការថែទាំម៉ាស៊ីនភ្លើង និងទូភ្លើង។